2023 Shareholder Open Day

Invitation to the ZCCM-IH Virtual Shareholder Open Day


ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc (hereafter “ZCCM-IH” or “the Company”) wishes to announce that it will be hosting its Shareholder Open Day for the year 2023 on 15 November 2023 from 10am Central Africa Time (hereafter “CAT”) to 12:30pm CAT. The event will be held at The Urban Hotel Lusaka and also streamed live via video conferencing.

The event will feature presentations by the Company’s Board Chairperson Mr. Kakenenwa Muyangwa, the Company’s Chief Executive Officer Dr. Ndoba J. Vibetti, and the ZCCM-IH Senior Management team.

Presentation topics will include key revisions to the Company’s Strategic Plan, and Portfolio Updates, among others.

Shareholders are requested to register in advance to attend the Shareholder Open Day. This can be done via the following link: https://zccm-ih.financifi.com/register/


Registration Instructions to Attend Virtually

  1. Fill in the fields as labelled. Please note that the fields marked by a star (*) are mandatory.
  2. Select to receive alerts via Electronic Mail (“Email”), Short Message Service (“SMS”), or both.
  3. Select the “Event Announcements” option. Please note that other alert options can be selected as well.
  4. Read through and confirm acceptance of our privacy policy by selecting the “Privacy Policy” option.
  5. Confirm attendance by clicking “Register”.
  6. After Registration, a link to join the Virtual Shareholder Open Day will be sent to your selected alert option/s on or before 15 November 2023.
  7. The window for registration to attend the Shareholder Open Day shall remain open until the commencement of the event.


Notes Regarding Submission of Questions

  1. Shareholders attending the event physically will be accorded an opportunity to ask questions during the question-and-answer session.
  2. Shareholders attending the event virtually will be able to submit questions via the text function of the video conferencing platform.
  3. To ensure all questions can be answered with-in the allotted time, it is highly recommended that questions be sent to ZCCM-IH prior to the commencement of the event.

Questions to be submitted in advance of the event are to be sent to the following e-mail address: bwalya.chiti@zccm-ih.com.zm

Download Agenda Here: 2023 Shareholder Open Day – Event Agenda