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Further to the Notice and Agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM Notice”) published on the Stock Exchange Network News (“SENS”) on 20th February 2025 and in the press, the Board of ZCCM Investment Holdings Plc (“ZCCM-IH” or “the Company”) wishes to advise the shareholders and the general public that the Company will be unable to hold the EGM on 13th March 2025 as indicated in the EGM Notice due to the following reasons:

ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc article of association (a public company limited by shares ) adopted by way of a special resolution

1.1.1. “The Act” means the Companies Act No. 10 of 2017 of the Laws of Zambia and every statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force;
1.1.2. The “Address” means a place where
a) for an individual, includes the full address of the place where that person usually lives or any number or address used for purposes of sending or receiving documents or information by electronic means;
b) a company, includes its registered office or its principle place of business or any number or address used for purposes of sending or receiving documents or information by electronic means;

Notice Of Extraordinary General Meeting

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) of the members of ZCCM Investment Holdings Plc (“ZCCM-IH” or “the Company”) will be held on Thursday, 13th March 2025 at 10:00 hours at the Mulungushi International Conference Centre, Kenneth Kaunda Wing, Banquet Hall Number 1, Lusaka, Zambia and virtually via Video Conferencing on the following link, to transact the following:

Notice of 2023 Dividend Payment

At the 20th Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 28th June 2024 at Mulungushi International Conference Centre. Kenneth Kaunda Wing and virtually, Shareholders approved a Final Dividend of ZMW 1.51 per share for the period ended 31 December 2023.

In accordance with the requirements of the Securities Act No. 41 of 2016 and the Listings Rules of the Lusaka Securities Exchange (“LuSE”), Notice is hereby given that the dividend shall be payable to shareholders in the Company’s books as at close of business on Friday, 26 July 2024 (“Record Date”)

Results Of Resolutions Passed At The Extraordinary General Meeting Of Zccm Investments Holdings Plc

1.0 Introduction
Shareholders are referred to the announcements ZCCM-IH released on the Stock Exchange News Service (“SENS”) of the
Lusaka Securities Exchange (“LUSE”) on 10th November 2023, 30 November 2023, 22 December 2023 and 1 February 2024
regarding the up to US$1.1 billion capital investment by International Resources Holding RSC Ltd, through its wholly-owned
subsidiary, Delta Mining Limited, for a 51% interest in Mopani Copper Mines plc and the formation of a strategic partnership
with ZCCM-IH. The investment will comprise US$620 million in new equity capital, up to US$100 million in settlement of
existing third-party letters of credit and up to US$380 million of shareholder loans (“the Transaction”). The Company
distributed a Transaction circular (the “Circular”) on 2 February 2024 incorporating a notice of Extraordinary General
Meeting (“EGM”) to consider the Transaction. The Board of Directors of ZCCM-IH (“the Board”) is pleased to provide a further
update in relation to the Transaction.




The definitions and interpretations commencing on page 7 of this Circular apply throughout this Circular, including this cover page (unless
specifically defined where used or the context indicates a contrary intention).
Action Required:
• Shareholders are referred to page 4 of this Circular, which sets out the action required of them regarding the ZCCM-IH Extraordinary
General Meeting, full details of which are set out in this Circular. If you are in any doubt as to the action you should take, please consult
your broker, bank manager, legal advisor, accountant, or other professional advisor.
• If you have disposed of all your ZCCM-IH shares, then this Circular, together with the accompanying Form of Proxy should be forwarded to
the broker, banker, or agent through whom you disposed of such shares except that this Circular should not be forwarded or transmitted
by you to any person in any territory other than Zambia unless the Circular can lawfully be distributed to such person or in such territory.


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