ZCCM-IH Further Cautionary Announcement

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ZCCM-IH Further Cautionary Announcement

Published Date: 18th May 2020

Shareholders of ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc (“ZCCM-IH”) are referred to the announcement dated 23 May 2019, concerning the filing by ZCCM-IH of a petition in the High Court of Zambia for the winding up of Konkola Copper Mines PLC (“KCM”) on 21 May 2019 (the “Petition”), the appointment by the Court of Mr Milingo Lungu as provisional liquidator of KCM (the “Provisional Liquidator”) and the legal proceedings commenced in the High Court of South Africa and applications made to the Zambian High Court by Vedanta Resources Limited and Vedanta Resources Holdings Limited (together “Vedanta”).