Notice Of Change In Directorate

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Notice Of Change In Directorate

Published Date: 8th May 2023

In compliance with the Securities and the Listing Rules of the Lusaka Securities Exchange (“LuSE”), the Board of ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc (“ZCCM-IH” or “the Company”) hereby announces the resignation of Ms. Dolika E. S. Banda as Non-Executive Director and Board Chairperson of the Company effective 5 th   May 2023.  The Board would like to take this opportunity to sincerely  thank Ms. Banda  for her immense contribution to the Company during her tenure of office and wishes her success in her future endeavours.
Further, the Board is pleased to announce the appointment Mr. Kakenenwa Muyangwa as Non-Executive Director and Board Chairperson with effect from 5 th  May 2023.  The Board is confident that with his vast experience, Mr. Muyangwa will make a valuable contribution to the success of the Company.